Vegasino - Gem Score: 8,7

Vegasino is a nice example of a small marketcap token that continues to build and has a real life use case.

With over hundred ofgames available to play on the Vegasino platform, you can bet on finding something tailored to your tastes and preferences. Their games are carefully curated and tested for fairness so that you get all the fun and excitement of being at a world-class casino.

The Vegasino platform is powered by their own $VEGAS token that has been specifically developed to take advantage of the latest defi innovations. The token contract has been fully audited by CertiK, which is a leading security-focused ranking platform to analyze and monitor blockchain protocols and DeFi projects. Their previous Nevada contract has been ranked in the top 1% of all audits conducted by CertiK. An additional audit has also been performed by the InterFI Network, for that extra peace-of-mind. .

The Vegasino liquidity is locked in line with the industry safety standards and best practices. The core team consists of experts in their fields with proven field experience. The team have also passed an external KYC audit to add an additional layer of safety to the entire project.

The team takes pride in their goal and capability to create a secure and fair casino platform for everyone on the Binance Smart Chain. Driven by a constant need to innovate, you will not find a better home to play your games in.

Let's check Vegasino out

Active Telegram Group: 9/10
Vegasino has a large Telegram group with almost 10k members and which is very active. You can join their group here:

The moderators are patient and kind, as they should be. They constantly bring their followers updates on how the project is doing.

Active other social media: 9/10
As any sensible small cap project should do, Vegasino focusses on only a couple of channels.
Twitter is the other channel with over 18k followers and a lot of updates on the project.

Check out their Twitter account here:

Up to date website: 8/10
The website is up to date and looks smooth and professionally made. Check it for yourself:

Utility: 8/10

Vegasino offers multiple utility for both their tokens and their incredible NFTs.

First check out the utility for their token, as you can play in their casino with it.
If casinos do not interest you, that is not a problem. You still get to profit from the casino by the buy backs the team does from the casino profits. They burn a part of the buyback wich increases the floor price of the token. Besides that you can stake their token for a nice 33% APR (annual percentage rate).
This means, when you stake 100 tokens now, you will have 133 tokens in a year, without buying or doing anything extra! Talk about passive income!

Part of the profit is used for marketing purposes ensuring a thriving project for the years to come.

Healthy LP: 9/10
With a marketcap sitting at $ 575.000 at the time of publishing this article, the project has an LP of $ 108.000 which is a healthy 1:5 ratio. You can check both the current price and the LP here:

Overall development of the project: 9/10
The casino has over 100 of games you can play and they will continue to add games to this already impressive amount, catering to the many different needs gamblers may have. From poker to betting on sport games.

Quality of the products: 8,5/10
The casino looks good and is fun to play. Everything works properly and the overall quality of the project is very high.

Audit: 9/10
Vegasino has been audited by Certik and the team have also passed an external KYC audit to add an additional layer of safety to the entire project.

Available chains: 8/10

Vegasino is on the Binance Smart Chain. This makes the gas fees affordable, so buying and selling goes easy. Also the network is trustworthy.

NFTs: 9/10
We saved the best for you. Vegasino created their own NFT series with incredible looking alien NFTs.
Besides being good looking, they have great utility!

What can you do with your NFT? You can stake it for a massive 300% APR! 
They can sustain this APR by using some of the casino profits to pay out their most loyal holders.

Do you want to know the best part? You can stake your earned Vegas token at a solid 33% APR.
This means you can compound your earnings making the total APR ridiculously high!

That's not all people! They keep 10% apart from their casino profits to pay them out periodically to their NFT holders. Last time it was $ 4 per NFT, with around 1000 NFTs sold the profits where an estimated
$ 40.000. It might not look as much, $ 4, - per NFT, but you get this as an extra bonus! Besides, imagine the casino really takes off and the earning will be $ 400.000 or even $ 4.000.000. Which is really at the table, as the team is trying to get foot on the ground in China and we all know what a huge market potential that would mean.

Get in on the action here:

When we combine all the scores, the overall Gem score for Vegasino is 8,7.
It would be wise to invest part of your portfolio in Vegasino and to make maximum use of the staking and compounding possibilities.